Hunter Biden’s Gun Trial is Impacting His Father’s Reelection Campaign, Polls Indicate


An Emerson poll conducted last week revealed that 64% of voters believe Hunter Biden’s trial will not influence their voting decisions in the 2024 election. Meanwhile, 24% stated it makes them less likely to support Joe Biden, and 12% said it makes them more likely to back him.

Approximately 49% of voters do not think Hunter Biden is being prosecuted because his father is president, 27% believe he is, and 24% are unsure, according to Emerson. Read More....

The data indicates that the majority of those who said the trial negatively impacts their likelihood of voting for Biden and those who don’t believe Hunter Biden is being prosecuted due to his father’s position are Republicans.

Only 11% of respondents who are less likely to vote for Biden are Democrats, compared to 42% who are Republicans. Additionally, 65% of those who think Hunter Biden’s prosecution is not related to his father being president are Republicans, whereas 40% of those who believe he is being prosecuted for that reason are Democrats.

A Monmouth University poll from September last year showed similar findings: 27% of the electorate said Hunter Biden’s legal issues make them less likely to vote for his father. However, most of these voters are Republicans who likely wouldn’t have voted for Biden anyway, and only 2% of Biden supporters indicated that the issue might deter them from voting for him. Read More.......

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